As of September 1, 2012, the University Transportation Center for Mobility (UTCM) is no longer an active center of the Texas A&M Transportation Institute. The archived UTCM website remains available here.

Conference on Performance Measures for Transportation and Livable Communities



Full Summary
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Opening Session

General Session

Luncheon Speaker

Closing Session

Breakout Session 1: Complete Streets Performance Measures

Breakout Session 2: Sustainability, Livability, Planning, and Policy Performance Measures

Breakout Session 3: Urban and Rural Livable Communities

Breakout Session 4: Transportation Performance Measures for Communities of all Sizes, Shapes, and Forms

Breakout Session 5: Land Use, Social Justice, and Environmental Performance Measures

Breakout Session 6: Livable Communities and Transit Performance Measures

Breakout Session 7: Access to Destinations Performance Measures

Breakout Session 8: Freight, Economic Development, and Return on Investment Livability Performance Measures

Breakout Session 9: FTA Livability Performance Measures Projects

Breakout Session 10: State, MPO, and Local Examples

Breakout Session 11: Bicycle and Pedestrian Performance Measures

Freight, Economic Development, and Return on Investment Livability Performance Measures

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JOHN ELIAS, U.S. Department of Transportation

Freight, Economic, and Global Competitiveness Performance Measures

KATHERINE TURNBULL, Texas Transportation Institute

Using Performance Measures/Indicators to Calculate the Triple Bottom Line

LEIGH LANE, Center for Transportation and the Environment, North Carolina State University

Using Performance Measures to Improve Parking Policies and Livability

VALERIE KNEPPER, San Francisco Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Economic Development and Return on Investment Livability Performance Measures

KEVIN JOHNS, City of Austin, Texas

Freight, Economic, and Global Competitiveness Performance Measures

KATHERINE TURNBULL, Texas Transportation Institute

Slides [PDF PDF document - For best results, view PDF files with the most recent version of Adobe Reader , 615K]

Katie Turnbull discussed freight, economic, and global competiveness performance measures and livable communities.  She described challenges and opportunities, and highlighted examples of performance measures associated with freight, economic development, and global competiveness from MPOs, state departments of transportation, and transit agencies throughout the country.  She noted that the information presented was from research sponsored by TTI’s Southwest Region University Transportation Center (SWUTC).  Katie covered the following topics in her presentation.

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Using Performance Measures/Indicators to Calculate the Triple Bottom Line

LEIGH LANE, Center for Transportation and the Environment, North Carolina State University

Slides [PDF PDF document - For best results, view PDF files with the most recent version of Adobe Reader , 928K]

Leigh Lane discussed two current research projects examining sustainable return on investment (ROI) tools and place-specific sustainability indicators.  One study is the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s (NCDOT) Sustainability Blueprint and the second project is Sustainable ROI:  FHWA Sustainable Highways.  Leigh provided the background for both research projects, presented preliminary findings, and discussed challenges and opportunities.  Leigh covered the following topics in her presentation.

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Using Performance Measures to Improve Parking Policies and Livability

VALERIE KNEPPER, San Francisco Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Commission

Slides [PDF PDF document - For best results, view PDF files with the most recent version of Adobe Reader , 6.4M]

Valerie Knepper discussed the development and use of parking policies at the MTC in the San Francisco Bay Area.  She described the MTC’s sustainable community strategy target, parking strategies to support smart growth, and analyzing parking structure proposals.  Valerie covered the following topics in her presentation.

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Economic Development and Return on Investment Livability Performance Measures

KEVIN JOHNS, City of Austin, Texas

Kevin Johns discussed the Sustainable Places Project.  He described the project focus, partners, and activities.  Kevin covered the following topics in his presentation.

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