As of September 1, 2012, the University Transportation Center for Mobility (UTCM) is no longer an active center of the Texas A&M Transportation Institute. The archived UTCM website remains available here.

Conference on Performance Measures for Transportation and Livable Communities



Full Summary
PDF document - For best results, view PDF files with the most recent version of Adobe Reader PDF, 1.1M, 116 pages

Opening Session

General Session

Luncheon Speaker

Closing Session

Breakout Session 1: Complete Streets Performance Measures

Breakout Session 2: Sustainability, Livability, Planning, and Policy Performance Measures

Breakout Session 3: Urban and Rural Livable Communities

Breakout Session 4: Transportation Performance Measures for Communities of all Sizes, Shapes, and Forms

Breakout Session 5: Land Use, Social Justice, and Environmental Performance Measures

Breakout Session 6: Livable Communities and Transit Performance Measures

Breakout Session 7: Access to Destinations Performance Measures

Breakout Session 8: Freight, Economic Development, and Return on Investment Livability Performance Measures

Breakout Session 9: FTA Livability Performance Measures Projects

Breakout Session 10: State, MPO, and Local Examples

Breakout Session 11: Bicycle and Pedestrian Performance Measures

Complete Streets Performance Measures

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FRED DOCK, City of Pasadena, California

Principles for Measuring and Achieving Livability in Planning and Design Decisions

BRUCE APPLEYARD, University of Utah

Washington State Main Street Highways Initiat

PAULA REEVES, Washington State Department of Transportation

Performance Measurement of Contact Sensitive Solutions in Urban Thoroughfare Design

BEVERLY STOREY, Texas Transportation Institute

Principles for Measuring and Achieving Livability in Planning and Design Decisions

BRUCE APPLEYARD, University of Utah

Slides [PDF PDF document - For best results, view PDF files with the most recent version of Adobe Reader , 6.7M]

Bruce Appleyard discussed the Livable Streets Primer, which was written by his father, Donald Appleyard.  He described the key concepts from the book and how it relates to the current focus on livable communities.  Bruce noted that he is updating the book.  Bruce covered the following points in his presentation.

Washington State Main Street Highways Initiative

PAULA REEVES, Washington State Department of Transportation

Slides [PDF PDF document - For best results, view PDF files with the most recent version of Adobe Reader , 2.4M]

Paula Reeves discussed the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) state highways as main streets initiative.  She described the issues associated with state highways that also serve as main streets in small and rural communities, elements of the research study examining these concerns, and the study findings and outcomes.  Paula covered the following topics in her presentation.

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Performance Measurement of Contact Sensitive Solutions in Urban Thoroughfare Design

BEVERLY STOREY, Texas Transportation Institute

Slides [PDF PDF document - For best results, view PDF files with the most recent version of Adobe Reader , 1.6M]

Beverly Storey discussed the core principles of CSS, possible performance measures associated with CSS, and applying performance measures at the agency level.  She described a case study in Fort Worth applying CSS and performance measures.  Beverly covered the following topics in her presentation.

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